Postpartum Bleeding Guide - by Yoni x Mamamoon

The postpartum period is crucial for a smooth transition into motherhood. In this article, we’re going to dive into the subject of bleeding after birth, we’ll provide you with tips to prepare you for it and hopefully make life easier. We’ll also answer more questions in the bottom FAQ section of the article.

Postpartum Bleeding Guide - by Yoni x Mamamoon

Within our lifetime, we only have one body, making it imperative to prioritize its well-being. The significance of this responsibility becomes even more apparent during the transformative journey of motherhood, especially in the often-overlooked postpartum period. 

While the focus naturally gravitates towards the newborn, it is crucial to acknowledge and care for your own body that brought life into the world. 

In this article, we’re going to dive into the subject of bleeding after birth, we’ll provide you with tips to prepare you for it and hopefully make life easier. We’ll also answer more questions in the bottom FAQ section of the article.

How to prepare for postpartum bleeding

You did it! You welcomed your beautiful baby into the world, and now your attention is centered on the tiny bundle of joy. Yet, amidst the joy and sleepless nights, it is essential to remember that your body has undergone significant changes and requires gentle care during the postpartum phase. 

Photo credits: Danielle Bensky

This period is crucial for a smooth transition into motherhood, and the choice of products used plays a pivotal role in this delicate process. 

As your body adjusts during the postpartum period, especially if you have had stitches from a tear or cut perineum, choosing products that will not catch on stitches becomes crucial for comfort and proper healing. There is a risk of stitches getting caught in plastic overlays, emphasizing the importance of delicate and breathable alternatives. 

In the case of a C-section, where the recovery involves a distinct set of considerations, the choice of gentle, organic products remains relevant. Either way, after giving birth, you will experience vaginal discharge. 

How long does postpartum bleeding last?

Your body will be getting rid of extra blood and tissue that was used to grow and nourish your baby. The bleeding and discharge are typically heavier during the first 10 days postpartum and will subsequently taper off, with some light bleeding and spotting up until 6 weeks after your delivery day. 

Which products are the best to use for postpartum bleeding?

During this time, please use exclusively sanitary pads, as tampons might invite bacteria and cause infections. We specifically recommend the use of organic cotton products, free of fragrances and plastic overlays. Organic ingredients play a crucial role in postpartum recovery. 

Photo credits: Yoni

The gentle and natural composition of these products helps prevent irritation and discomfort, catering to the unique needs of postpartum skin. The breathability of organic materials further enhances comfort, allowing the skin to heal without unnecessary obstacles. 

Fragrances might also irritate the skin and cause infections. Prioritizing organic cotton period care products becomes not only a choice for personal comfort but also a recommendation to safeguard against potential complications. 

Understanding the unique needs of the postpartum period, including the potential for a delayed return of the menstrual cycle, is essential. If you are breastfeeding, it might take some time for your menstrual cycle to resume. When it does, there is the possibility that your periods will be different after giving birth, such as alterations in the flow or intensity of cramps experienced. 

The hormonal fluctuations associated with childbirth and breastfeeding can bring about variations in your menstrual cycle. Additionally, you might find that your preferences for menstrual care products have changed compared to before giving birth.

As your body adjusts to these changes, consulting with your midwife or healthcare provider becomes invaluable. They can provide tailored advice, addressing any concerns or uncertainties you may have about your postpartum menstrual experience. 

The importance of choosing organic cotton products extends beyond the postpartum period. Our bodies absorb what we apply to them, and unnecessary chemicals can accumulate over time. Moreover, choosing organic cotton aligns with sustainability and eco-friendly practices, contributing to a healthier environment. 

The decision to use organic cotton products becomes a holistic choice, nurturing not only individual well-being but also supporting the ecosystem overall. 

During the intricate and delicate period that postpartum care is, the choice of products we make holds profound significance. Organic cotton products emerge not only as a preference but as a conscious commitment to well-being, sustainability, and a seamless transition into the beautiful journey of motherhood.  

Yoni’s pads and panty liners are made from 100% certified organic cotton. The backing is made from a bio-plastic derived from cornstarch, which allows Yoni pads to be more breathable than when using regular plastic backing. That's why, we are absolutely grateful that we can bring those amazing products to all our Mamamoon mamas now! Try Yoni products with a 20% discount which you can claim with Rewards in the Mamamoon app

Photo credits: Yoni

Postpartum bleeding - FAQs

In case you still have some questions about postpartum bleeding, we also answered some frequently asked questions.

When does the bleeding stop after birth?

The bleeding that occurs after giving birth is called postpartum bleeding or lochia. It is a normal and natural part of the postpartum recovery process. The duration and intensity of postpartum bleeding can vary from woman to woman, but it generally lasts for a few weeks.

There are three main stages of postpartum bleeding:

  1. Lochia rubra: This is the initial stage, and it typically lasts for the first few days after childbirth. The blood is bright red and may contain small blood clots.
  2. Lochia serosa: Following the lochia rubra stage, there is a transition to a pink or brownish discharge. This stage usually lasts from around day four to day ten after birth.
  3. Lochia alba: In the final stage, the discharge becomes lighter in color, often white or yellowish. This stage can last for several weeks, and the flow gradually decreases.

If you have concerns about the amount or duration of bleeding after childbirth, it's crucial to contact your healthcare provider for guidance. Excessive bleeding or other concerning symptoms should be addressed promptly to ensure proper postpartum care.

How much bleeding is normal after birth?

The amount of bleeding considered normal after childbirth can vary from woman to woman, but there are general patterns that healthcare providers use to assess postpartum bleeding. Here's a rough guide:

1. Immediate Postpartum Period (first few hours to first day):

  •    After giving birth, it is normal to experience heavy bleeding, which is mainly composed of bright red blood.
  •    The bleeding should gradually decrease over the first few hours after delivery.

2. First Week After Birth:

  •    During the first week, the bleeding should continue to decrease in amount.
  •    Lochia rubra, which is the bright red discharge containing blood and uterine tissue, is common during the first few days.

3. Second Week After Birth:

  •    By the end of the second week, the bleeding typically transitions to a lighter color (pink or brown) as it becomes lochia serosa.
  •    The overall flow should continue to decrease.

4. Third Week Onward:

  •    Lochia alba, a white or yellowish discharge, may continue for several weeks.
  •    By the end of the third week and into subsequent weeks, the flow should be minimal.

It's important to note that while some bleeding is expected after childbirth, excessive bleeding (hemorrhage) or the presence of large blood clots may indicate a problem and should be promptly addressed with a healthcare provider.

If you have concerns about the amount or duration of postpartum bleeding, it's crucial to contact your healthcare provider for guidance. They can assess your situation and provide appropriate advice or interventions if necessary.

What causes postpartum bleeding to increase?

An increase in bleeding after childbirth can be a cause for concern, and it may indicate a postpartum complication. Here are some potential reasons why bleeding after birth might increase:

  • Uterine Atony: This is the most common cause of postpartum hemorrhage. It occurs when the uterus does not contract adequately after delivery. The lack of proper uterine contractions can lead to excessive bleeding.
  • Retained Placental Tissue: If any part of the placenta or membranes remains in the uterus after childbirth, it can prevent the uterus from contracting properly and lead to increased bleeding.
  • Uterine Inversion: In rare cases, the uterus may turn inside out (invert), which can lead to severe bleeding.
  • Uterine Rupture: This is a rare but serious complication where the wall of the uterus tears. It can occur during labor or delivery and may result in increased bleeding.
  • Trauma or Injury: Injuries to the birth canal, such as tears in the cervix, vagina, or perineum, can cause increased bleeding.
  • Blood Clotting Disorders: Some women may have underlying blood clotting disorders that can contribute to excessive bleeding.
  • Infection: Infections in the uterus or reproductive organs can lead to increased bleeding.
  • Pre-existing Medical Conditions: Certain pre-existing medical conditions, such as hypertension or placenta previa, can increase the risk of postpartum bleeding.

How to stop postpartum bleeding faster?

If you are experiencing postpartum bleeding and are concerned about its duration or intensity, it's crucial to seek guidance from your healthcare provider. They can assess your situation and provide appropriate advice or interventions.

Here are some general recommendations, but please note that these should not replace professional medical advice:

  • Rest and Recovery: Allow your body to heal by avoiding strenuous activities.
  • Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of fluids to maintain good blood circulation and support overall recovery.
  • Nutrition: Eat a well-balanced diet with iron-rich foods to support your body's healing process, especially if you've experienced significant blood loss.
  • Follow Medical Advice: Take any prescribed medications, such as oxytocin or other uterine stimulants, to help the uterus contract and reduce bleeding.
  • Manage Pain: Use pain medications as prescribed by your healthcare provider to ease discomfort, especially after cesarean section or perineal tears.
  • Avoid Tampons: During the postpartum period, use sanitary pads instead of tampons to monitor bleeding more easily.
  • Regular Monitoring: Keep track of the amount and color of postpartum bleeding. If you notice a sudden increase or persistent bleeding beyond normal, contact your healthcare provider.
  • Immediate Medical Attention: If you experience signs of excessive bleeding, such as soaking through a pad in an hour or passing large blood clots, seek immediate medical attention. Postpartum hemorrhage is a serious condition requiring prompt intervention.

Remember that every woman's body is different, and what is considered normal postpartum bleeding can vary. Always consult with your healthcare provider for personalized advice based on your circumstances.


  • Cleveland Clinic - link here 
  • National Childbirth Trust - link here 
  • National Library of Medicine - link here 
  • Queensland Health - link here 
  • Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia - link here